Vertical Arpeggios 7 dominant seventh

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There are four main arpeggio shapes to remember (with two notes played on the lower E string).

Pattern 1

This arpeggio starts from the root and is therefore played on this kind of chord: 7-1-1.jpg(in G7 here that can be distinctly seen on the arpeggio chart)


Pattern 2

This arpeggio starts from the third and is therefore played on this kind of chord:7-1-2.jpg (in Eb7 here).


Pattern 3

This arpeggio starts from the fifth and is therefore played on this kind of chord:7-1-3.jpg (in C7 here).


Pattern 4

This arpeggio starts from the seventh and is therefore played on this kind of chord:7-1-4.jpg (in A7 here).


There are many other ways to play those arpeggios of course like by playing only one note on the lower E string but I will not talk about those.