Diagonal arpeggios 6 and m7

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Even though there are 4 arpeggios to remember, in reality there are only two shapes since 1- and 3- derive from the same shape, and so do 2- and 4-: only the starting note changes.

These two patterns that repeat themselves all over the neck are the following:

Arpege-6-motif-1.jpg   Arpege-6-motif-2.jpg

Pattern 1

This arpeggio starts from the root and is therefore played on this kind of chord:6-1-1.jpg (in G6 here)


Pattern 2

This arpeggio starts from the third and is therefore played on this kind of inversed chord: 6-1-2.jpg (in Eb6 here)


Pattern 3

This arpeggio starts from the fifth and is therefore played on this kind of chord 6-2-1.jpg with the root on the A string . It can be noticed that it's the same arpeggio shape as for the first example here but shifted up one string: (in C6 here)


Pattern 4

This arpeggio starts from the sixth and is therefore played on this kind of inversed chord 6-1-3.jpg. It can be noticed that it's the same arpeggio shape as for the second example here but shifted up one string: (ici en Bb6)
