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photo Django

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Re: photo Django

Messagepar djangomaniac » 15 Avr 2015 10:50

c'est fou ce qu on arrive a faire avec photo shop ;)....jamais vu non plus merci
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Re: photo Django

Messagepar AllezAlainRockOn » 15 Avr 2015 11:12

I taken two pics of Django from 1934 and messed around with the hair to look more like in the original photo. What do you think?
Yes it helps to get a better idea. Thanks Eddy.
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Re: photo Django

Messagepar Groucho » 15 Avr 2015 11:47

Teddy according to me the man is certainly Django!
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Re: photo Django

Messagepar AllezAlainRockOn » 15 Avr 2015 11:54

En gros plan, il parait plutôt frisé mais c'est l' énorme grain de cette photo qui peut faire ça.
Ensuite la grosseur du nez mais pareil, les ombres sont à l'oeuvre.
Pour inversion de la photo (d'amateur) il suffisait que le gars mette la négatif à l'envers au tirage et voilà quoi...

Close-up, rather it seems he has the curly hair, the huge grain of this photo can do that. Then the size of the nose,
raises doubts but the shadows are at work. To reverse the picture ( from an amateur ) it was enough that the guy
put the negative on the wrong side during the draw : That's all.
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" L' Homme n'est kune rillettes ." ( Alain De Milly: Grand Philosophe et Poète Français )
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Re: photo Django

Messagepar Teddy Dupont » 15 Avr 2015 13:16

That was not a very good bit of photo shop from me, particularly with the image on the right where Django looks more like Hitler than anyone else. I've replaced it with another modified pic from 1934.

......and you could be convinced that at 1.30 in the Clair de Lune clip as Django turns to face the camera, his hair looks like that in the photo.
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Teddy Dupont
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006 14:19

Re: photo Django

Messagepar AllezAlainRockOn » 15 Avr 2015 14:07

où Django ressemble plus à Hitler que quiconque.
j'ai pas osé le dire :lol: - (un poil oui ) "malheureusement " hitler ne pouvait pas avoir un tel sourire :)
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" L' Homme n'est kune rillettes ." ( Alain De Milly: Grand Philosophe et Poète Français )
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Inscrit le: 21 Mars 2007 01:17
Localisation: Milly La Forêt

Re: photo Django

Messagepar Joli Gadjo » 15 Avr 2015 15:17

You mean he looks like Charlie Chaplin...
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Joli Gadjo
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Re: photo Django

Messagepar stretch » 16 Avr 2015 06:11

Ce film-là, quelle expression de GÉNIE!!!
"Le jazz, c'est de savoir comment aller d'une faute à l'autre."
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Re: photo Django

Messagepar gatsby » 16 Avr 2015 18:19

Des photos qu'on voit pas souvent :


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Re: photo Django

Messagepar Groucho » 17 Avr 2015 07:52

La première photo date du 9 mars 1946.

On y voit la chanteuse Beryl Davis (Undecided, Don't worry about me) et Stéphane Grappelli à l’hôpital français de Londres rendant visite à un Django convalescent.

Le lundi 11 février 1946 Django ayant dû être opéré d'urgence à cause d'une "rechute d'une ancienne maladie" tous les concerts des trois semaines suivantes avaient été annulés.
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Inscrit le: 25 Sep 2013 12:02

Re: photo Django

Messagepar Teddy Dupont » 17 Avr 2015 10:01

Groucho a écrit:La première photo date du 9 mars 1946.

On y voit la chanteuse Beryl Davis (Undecided, Don't worry about me) et Stéphane Grappelli à l’hôpital français de Londres rendant visite à un Django convalescent.

Le lundi 11 février 1946 Django ayant dû être opéré d'urgence à cause d'une "rechute d'une ancienne maladie" tous les concerts des trois semaines suivantes avaient été annulés.

It is unclear exactly why Django had to go to hospital on this occasion. I have read that it was a throat problem and he does seem to have something (a bandage?) round his neck in that photo.
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Teddy Dupont
Messages: 303
Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006 14:19

Re: photo Django

Messagepar Groucho » 17 Avr 2015 10:18

Yes it seems he has something around the neck!

According to the photos during the recording session with Coleridge Goode and the Quintet of England Django seems to have something similar to a big tooth abscess on his right side or some kind of infection that gave him a heavy infectious reaction. Probably it was the begining of a generalized chronic periodontitis. He lost all of his front teeth in those years. He definitively had an exit with that problem thanks to his friend André Ekyan in spring 1949.
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Inscrit le: 25 Sep 2013 12:02

Re: photo Django

Messagepar Teddy Dupont » 17 Avr 2015 13:16

You are right Groucho. In the photo taken at the Abbey Road studios of Django by himself, the right hand side of his face does look swollen. However, I am not sure whether that is not just a trick of the light compounded by a poor quality photo. As you say, we know he had major problems with his teeth after the war and it does seem the problem in 1946 was associated with his mouth/throat. Coleridge Goode who played on those 1946, UK recordings has never mentioned/written anything about Django having any sort of physical problems at the UK sessions. I spoke to him several years ago about Django and he said he (Django) was on great form. Coleridge did mentioned Django having problems with his feet though and having to wear odd looking boots.
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Teddy Dupont
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2006 14:19

Re: photo Django

Messagepar gatsby » 17 Avr 2015 13:58

Are these fake teeth, then?
Ce sont de fausses dents?

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Inscrit le: 07 Jan 2008 08:20

Re: photo Django

Messagepar Groucho » 17 Avr 2015 15:08

I remember Coleridge Goode telling that Django did enjoyed the Austrian meal his wife prepared on Django's visit but probably this event occured between Thursday 24th october 1946 - date of the Caribbean Club jam between Django (on Frank Deniz' electric "proper" guitar), pianist Dick Katz and Coleridge on double bass - and the date of his leaving to the States on monday 28th of october.

Is Coleridge still alive? I'm afraid you must go and speak with him about this, he will certainly prepare you a "Goode Rhum Cocktail" as he did last time we saw him... Otherwise you will only have a "White Widow Tea"...
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Inscrit le: 25 Sep 2013 12:02

Re: photo Django

Messagepar gatsby » 08 Mai 2015 15:02

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Re: photo Django

Messagepar ninnin94 » 09 Mai 2015 12:25

AllezAlainRockOn a écrit:

Pas complètement invraisemblable.
Le Django pote en ciel serait derrière celui à la jambe posée sur son autre jambe.
Implantation des cheveux du mauvais coté pour " Django " mais en inversant la photo: ça marche(rait) →

non ce n est pas Django
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Inscrit le: 22 Déc 2007 00:24
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Re: photo Django

Messagepar stephanepaseicher » 05 Juin 2019 08:28

von der a écrit:J ai découvert une photo, vous la connaissez?


Salut Von Der,
Je me suis inscrit sur le forum pour la voir, mais j'ai une page blanche, est-ce que tu peux la reposter stp ?
J'adore la Musique assistée par Ordinateur mais avec un peu de guitare quand même.
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Inscrit le: 29 Mai 2019 17:11

Re: photo Django

Messagepar gatsby » 05 Juin 2019 09:38

La voici :

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